Why this website?
Welcome to AskOTO, your preferred point of contact to find quickly all the information you need when buying a vehicle. Or to answer your most frequently asked questions about using a car, motorbike or van (light commercial vehicle).
On AskOTO, you'll also find tips to help you make a decision.
Our aim is to give you the most accurate information possible, and to clarify all the aspects that interest you in an objective way. In effect, AskOTO is a neutral, non-commercial platform, managed by FEBIAC, the Belgian and Luxembourg car and two-wheeler federation. This means that the content of AskOTO articles is not brand-sponsored, so you can make your choices freely.
If AskOTO does not yet have an answer to your question, your request will be registered by our search engine so that we can quickly update the platform with the required information. So come back regularly!
Happy reading!